Your First Glove. Nothing Like It. 

Think about the moment you got your first baseball glove. The leather. The smell. There’s nothing like it. 

Over 14,000 Junior Giants will step onto the field this season without a glove of their own. Join the Giants Community Fund in celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Junior Giants by supporting the 2024 Junior Giants Glove Drive.

A donation of $30 will cover the cost of a brand new glove for a Junior Giant. As a thank-you, donors will receive a 1980s Giants Logo pin or Jung Hoo Lee jersey pin.

If two or more pins are selected, each pin will be $25.

Glove Drive - Thank you Pins

  • Jung Hoo Lee Jersey Pin

    Jung Hoo Lee Jersey Pin

    $30.00 ea.

  • 1980s Giants Logo

    1980s Giants Logo

    $30.00 ea.

Make an additional donation



Your donation is tax deductable - you will receive an emailed donation receipt. The Giants Community Fund’s Tax I.D number is 94-3200061. 

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